Highly Important
Specifies the character encoding for the HTML document.
Sets the viewport to make your website responsive.
Your Website Title
Defines the title of the document, shown in the browser tab.
Meta Description
Provides a short description of your website, crucial for SEO.
Adds a favicon to your site, displayed in browser tabs.
Canonical Link
Specifies the canonical URL of your page to avoid duplicate content issues.
Open Graph Title
Defines the title of your website when shared on social media.
Open Graph Image
Specifies the image that will appear when your site is shared on social media.
Open Graph URL
Specifies the canonical URL of your site for Open Graph.
Twitter Card
Defines the Twitter card type to show when shared.
Moderate Importance
Open Graph Site Name
Specifies the name of your site for Open Graph.
Open Graph Type
Defines the type of content for Open Graph.
Twitter Title
Sets the title for Twitter cards.
Twitter Description
Sets the description for Twitter cards.
Twitter Image
Specifies the image to be used in Twitter cards.
Theme Color
Sets the browserβs theme color to match your branding.
Provides instructions to search engine crawlers about the page.
Less Important
MS Tile Color
Specifies the tile color for Windows start screen tiles.
Safari Pinned Tab
Provides a pinned tab icon for Safari.
Apple Touch Icon
Specifies an icon for Apple devices.
Alternate Stylesheet
Defines an alternate stylesheet that users can switch to.
Specifies origins that the browser should preconnect to for faster loading.
Tells search engines not to index this page.
Prevents search engines from storing a cached copy of the page.
Refreshes the page every 30 seconds.
Specifies the author of the document.
Identifies the tool or software used to generate the document.
Specifies caching directives for HTTP responses.